Saturday, July 20, 2013

Part 3 Answers

1. The problem with some of the fairy tale monsters is that it would be much difficult to carry on. Every body part would have to increase to support the amount of weight such as the bones. Most likely though, if that were to happen the monsters would break from just one step because the pressure against the small bones as Haldane describes.
2. Gravity has a different affect to bigger and smaller animals. Bigger animals though, have a larger impact because the amount of pressure against the surface tension when it falls. It can cause injuries such as a broken leg or worse death. For a smaller creature though, it is much less of an impact because it’s pressure or surface tensions isn’t as strong but much lighter.
3. Animals have become more complicated because the bigger they are in size the more they require for themselves such larger blood pressure, tougher blood-vessels, food intake, and amount of oxygen needed, and so on.
4. In humans the gut is complicated to increase absorbing food.
5. Oxygen entering or diffusing restricts the thickness of insects.
6.  Larger animals eat less than smaller animals. For example that Haldane uses, is a mouse and how a mouse has to eat about one quarter of its own weight everyday to keep warm. While in the other hand larger animals don’t eat as much because they can survive the cold when smaller animals can’t.

7.  Whales don’t have eyes much larger than ours because if they were bigger they wouldn’t see well. If the cones and rods were bigger on a whale, their eye sight would be terrible.

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